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Pride Of Lions And Other Animals Rescued From Sudan Safely Arrive At Cat Sanctuary.

A two-photo collage. The first shows a close up of a lion looking into the camera. The second image shows a lion sitting in a cage as the gate opens up to release him.

When conflicts arise, humans aren’t the only ones negatively impacted. Animals, including those in the wild, find themselves struggling to survive. That’s certainly been the case for creatures in Sudan. That’s why organizations like Four Paws work hard to save as many as they can. Recently, a months-long mission to rescue lions finally got a happy ending.

It all started in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum. This is said to be the heart of the conflict, according to ABC News. Lions were just one of the many animals stuck in this war zone for months. Then, a plan was made to move them to the LionsRock Big Cat Sanctuary in Bethlehem, South Africa.

“The lions spent nine months surrounded by the tragedies of war. They are traumatized, weak, emaciated, and prone to injury,” Four Paws says in a statement. “Getting them out of the conflict zone in Sudan was an emotional rollercoaster and a challenge beyond anything we have done before.”

11 Lions Trapped in War-Ridden Sudan Are Rescued

In November 2023, the lions were rescued and sent to Wad Madani, capital of Sudan’s Al Jazirah state. At the time, this are was designated as a safe place. But as the conflict grew, even this safe zone became dangerous. In turn, they were forced to put together an emergency rescue. This was carried out just last month.

From there, some of the animals in their care were sent to Jordan. But 11 of the lions they rescued finally made their way to their new home in South Africa. Here, they’ll get the chance to not only survive but thrive.

“These eleven lions are ambassadors for hope,” Four Paws says with Dr. Amir Khalil, one of their veterinarians, adding that now they get some “rest, peace, and proper care.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here!

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