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Politicians Set Aside Their Differences To Support Colleague Who Lost His Hands & Feet

A politician receives applause while returning to work with prosthetic hands and feet.

It’s not often that lawmakers with opposing views are willing to agree, but it turns out that when a politician loses their hands and feet, their return earns a resounding cheer from both sides! Parliament member Craig Mackinlay was on hiatus from work for six months due to septic shock. On Wednesday, he finally returned after having both his hands and feet amputated. Although his coworkers don’t always see eye to eye with the conservative, they still welcomed him back with open arms!

In a heartwarming video, U.K. politicians gave a huge round of applause when Craig Mackinlay entered the room. After losing his hands and feet, the politician was wearing prosthetics, which he used to wave to everyone!


A lawmaker returned to work on Wednesday, six months after sepsis put him in a coma and forced the amputation of his hands and feet. Britain’s fractious politicians shared a rare moment of unity by welcoming him back with a standing ovation. #news #politics #uk #sepsis #health

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Not only were Parliament members willing to overlook their differences in order to welcome back their colleague, they also didn’t mind bending a few rules for him.

“As you know, we don’t allow clapping, but this is an exception!” said Parliament Speaker Lindsay Hoyle.

Craig Mackinlay also said a few words upon his return to work, lightheartedly addressing all the concessions being made for him that day. Aside from generating applause, the politican was also in violation of a few dress codes due to the loss of his hands and feet. His new prosthetics couldn’t fit into his typical suit and dress shoes, so he had to forgo his jacket and put on sneakers.

“Well, I’ve got an apology, actually, that I’ve caused the breaking of so many rules today,” he joked.

A politican receives applause while returning to work with prosthetic hands and feet.
Screengrab from TikTok

Commenters on the viral video also cast aside political divides to offer support to the recovering man.

“I don’t care what side he’s on may he continue to heal,” said one user.

“I wish American politicians could learn to behave this beautifully,” added another.

According to CBS News, Mackinlay is quite proud of his prosthetics. In fact, he wants to become known as the “Bionic MP.” He’s hoping to be able to use his platform to raise awareness about the damage that sepsis can do. Even though the politician lost his hands and feet to the illness, he was still pretty lucky. Medical staff had given him a 5% chance of survival!

It’s incredible that Craig Mackinlay was able to get through his critical illness and return to his job. We’re so glad to see that his fellow politicians are offering their support as he recovers.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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