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7-Yr-Old With Prosthetic Leg Falls Head Over Heels For Puppy With Missing Paw.

Barb Felt has been breeding golden retrievers at Rolling Oak Goldens for over 40 years now, but she had never welcomed a litter quite like this one.

For starters, all 11 puppies were female, a rarity she’d never experienced before. Not to mention, one of them was born without her right front paw.

“It was truly a special litter, so we knew right away Marvel is going to have a very special purpose in life,” Barb said. 

She took to Facebook to ask her friends and fans of the farm for name ideas for this wonderful pup. Many people contacted her hoping to adopt the little one, but Barb was hoping to find someone who also has a limb difference. She had heard another story about a puppy with a missing paw going to a child with a prosthetic, and she wanted to do the same.

“It was so inspiring to see the joy that that little puppy gave to that little girl, and so we were hoping to find someone with a limb difference who was a child,” Barb explained.

As luck would have it, a woman saw the Facebook post and instantly thought of the Williams family in Minnesota. The woman not only owns one of Barb’s dogs from a previous litter, but she is also an occupational therapist for Paxton Williams, a 7-year-old boy who had his right leg amputated when he was 4.

Barb reached out to Paxton’s family, and his dad, Blaine Williams, was immediately on board with the idea!

“We spoke and they came and they met Marvel,” Barb said. “At that time we hadn’t really named Marvel yet.” The adults wisely left the name up to Paxton, who is a big “Avengers” fan. Naturally, he loved Marvel, so it stuck!

“When they came and met Marvel, it was perfect,” Barb added.

The adoption took a few weeks, but Marvel has since landed in her forever home. She’s fitting right in, and Paxton loves having someone to share his experiences with!

“Like I said previously, a match made in heaven,” Barb said. “They’re a great family. We just feel so fortunate to be a part of this for them.” 

Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes social media is the perfect matchmaker! Paxton and Marvel are so fortunate to have found one another. They’re going to have a lifetime of adventures together!

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