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Dog Freaks Out When He Finally Reunites With Elderly Neighbor After Weeks Apart.

Dogs are creatures of habit, just like us.

A South Boston woman takes her labradoodle Paul to a local convenience store nearly every day. Paul’s a pampered pooch who loves to make new friends everywhere he goes, especially if those friends happen to have a pocketful of dog treats for him!


On their morning trips to Cumberland Farms in Boston, Massachussets, Paul and his owner would frequently cross paths with a neighbor named Chris. Over time, Paul and Chris became the best of friends. Chris always had yummy treats lined up for his furry friend, and Paul jumped for joy whenever he saw Chris standing on the sidewalk.

When Chris fell ill at the start of the novel coronavirus pandemic, Paul and his owner didn’t see him for weeks. Then one day Chris was back, and Paul’s owner managed to get their adorable reunion on video.


“Paul!” Chris exclaims as he sees the big white dog come bounding towards him. He gestures for Paul to jump up for kisses and the dog happily obliges. Paul’s owner is glad to see that he has recovered from his illness and has come prepared with dog treats for all of his doggy friends. She shared the video on Paul’s Instagram page and was stunned by the flood of loving messages from near and far.

“Yesterday we were so excited and surprised by the out pour of love and support for our dear neighbor, Chris,” she wrote on Instagram. “He is a neighborhood staple and spends his mornings ensuring all the puppies of the neighborhood are greeted with a treat and a smile on their morning walks. He was thrilled to see our clip went viral. When asked if he needed anything, he simply responded, more dog treats for the neighborhood puppies.”


Some videos are so wholesome and pure that we can’t stand it, and this is one of them! The genuine love and affection between Paul and Chris is beautiful. We’re so glad Paul’s people shared this moment with us.

Watch Paul and Chris’s sweet reunion below, and don’t forget to share.

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