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Kind Passengers Hand Teacher Unexpected Gift After Overhearing Her Conversation On Plane.

Kimber Bermudez was just having a casual conversation with the man next to her on a plane when something incredible happened.

Kimber, who says she has always been “a talker,” was flying from Chicago, Illinois, to Jacksonville, Florida to visit her family. As she sat aboard the Southwest Airlines flight, the man next to her asked what she does for a living. When he learned that she’s a teacher, he inquired, “What’s the most challenging part of your job?”

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Sadly, the most challenging aspect of Kimber’s job is one many teachers can relate to: children who come from poverty can’t afford school supplies, backpacks, or even lunch. Kimber told the man about the hardworking immigrant parents who struggle to make ends meet, and how many children in Carlos Fuentes Elementary charter school, where she works, come to school hungry.

In a Facebook post, Kimber shared:

I told him that working at a low income school can be heartbreaking. We talked about the world and how no child should ever do without. In 2018 kids should never be hungry or in need of anything. He asked for my work contact information and told me that his company likes to donate items, time, etc for schools such as mine. I was not intending for him to say that, and then gave him my school email.

Kimber Bermudez teacher
PX Here

That’s when this story took an even more incredible turn. Not only did her seatmate pledge a donation from his company, but the man behind her tapped her on the shoulder…

I turned around and he apologized for listening in to my conversation, and he handed me a wad of cash. He told me to “do something amazing”and sat back down. I was in complete awe that I had touched a stranger. I realized that there was $100 on top, and started to cry. I thanked him and told him how I would buy my students books and give back to the community. I didn’t count the money from that man, but I would later find out that he gave me $500.

kimber 500 dollars

Kimber would have walked off the plane with a renewed faith in humanity no matter what happened after this amazing turn of events, but the universe wasn’t finished doling out blessings yet.

The plane landed and the man on the aisle across from me told me that he listened as well. He said that he didn’t have much, but he gave me $20. As if my heart couldn’t be any happier the man in front turns around as well. He also handed me money, and said that he only had $10. I started crying on the plane. I told all four men that I would do something amazing for the kids. I was not telling my story to solicit money, and never intended to walk out of that flight with anything other than my carry on. I do however hope that posting this continues the chain reaction of people helping those in need, and especially the children in need. It doesn’t have to be a school in Chicago, and any bit helps!

Kimber told the four men, “I’m not here to solicit money; I really am here on this plane just to see my parents … One of them said, ‘I know. That’s why we’re giving it to you. Use your voice. Use your gift of talking.’â€

kimber bermudez

Kimber plans to use the money to buy books for her students, most of whom are just learning to read and don’t have any books at home. She also hopes to purchase some backpacks and other school supplies, all items she’d normally have to use her own personal funds to purchase for them.

Aside from the phenomenal experience of receiving cash donations from strangers, Kimber says the event did more to bolster her respect for her fellow humans than anything she’d ever experienced.

When the world seems crazy there are always good people. I would do anything for my students, and want to thank these strangers. I don’t know the name of the man who gave me the $500 or the other generous strangers, but they deserve to be recognized.

acero school chicago

Kimber has indeed used her gift of gab to help her students! Just sharing this story on Facebook has given the act of kindness the media platform it needed to get the word out.

Please share this message of love, compassion, and generosity with others, and don’t forget to thank a teacher for all that they do next time you see one!

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