Pair Of Boxers Decide They Must Meet The New Neighbor… Fence Be Darned!

boxers meet neighbor dog

Cali and Cooper are two boxers. They are active, and their parents chronicle their daily activities on TikTok. Cali is the older female, and Cooper is her “little” brother. The two dogs do everything together. That includes playing, sleeping, and mischief-making! The mischief in question? These boxers will stop at nothing to meet the new neighbor dog!

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First, let’s meet the troublemaking pair.

Two boxers sitting in a swimming pool wearing doggie life vests.
Image from TikTok.

They’re no strangers to troublemaking. Case in point, they destroyed an outdoor chair cushion and left the stuffing all over the yard. In this picture, the boxers may look innocent, but the empty cushion covering in the upper left corner says otherwise:

Two innocent-looking boxers who just got caught after destroying a outdoor chair cushion.
Image from TikTok.

But they can also play nice too! The two even patiently tolerated their Halloween costumes!

Two boxers dressed for Halloween in puppy-pumpkin costumes.
Image from TikTok.

However, the pair of boxers simply can’t leave the neighbor dog un-played with! The neighbors recently got a new dog named Duke. Since his arrival, both boxers and Duke have been intent on trying to have a play date. They have made friends through the fence and have been concentrating on tunneling under said fence to meet in person. This is Duke:

The neighbor dog trying to dig under the fence to meet a pair of boxers
Image from TikTok.

Along the fence line, there are now several areas where the boxers have been doing their best to create a doggy door under the fence to visit the neighbor dog. One of the comments under the TikTok video is, “it seems like your 3rd dog is trapped in the neighbors yard.” They may be correct based on how the boxers seem to be working so diligently to remove the barrier between them and the neighbor dog.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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