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Oops! Rescue Mission Takes Flight When Eagle Accidentally Kicks Eaglet Out Of Nest.

two photo collage. on the left photo an eaglet is laying on an adult eagle's feet. on the right there is a picture of the eaglet after being kicked out of its nest.

Accidents can happen anywhere at any time, and not even animals are exempt from them. 

Just ask this eagle who accidentally kicked the eaglet that was sleeping on his feet out of the nest on Catalina Island. Fortunately, rescue teams were able to get to the baby eagle and helped him.

“I just checked its legs and its wings to make sure there wasn’t any obvious breaks,” said Peter Sharpe, a wildlife biologist. “Internal injuries, I can’t say, but they’re pretty resilient.”

The fall and rescue were caught on camera thanks to a livestream run by the Institute for Wildlife Studies. 

“There’s only eight pairs of eagles on Catalina Island,” said Sharpe. “Losing one chick can be a pretty big impact.”

Thankfully, it was just a scare and this baby eaglet is back to its nest safe and sound. We just hope he can forgive the adult eagle!

Watch the video of the fall and rescue below, and don’t forget to share with a friend.

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