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Single Mom Inspires 11-Yr-Old To Open Thrift Store To Support Low-Income Families.

Obocho Peters may only be 11 years old, but he’s already a role model to his community.

The boy from Brooklyn, New York, dreams of giving low-income families a better life, especially when it comes to education. And he’s making it happen through a business he started two years ago.


The wheels began turning in Obocho’s head after he saw “Avengers: Infinity War” in 2018. He asked his mom Sasha to buy him toys of the characters, but as a single parent, she couldn’t afford them. So Obocho decided to sell his old clothes so he could buy the toys himself.

He also began wondering how he could make a difference in his community.

“When she shared her hardship with me, I realized that other families must face these same challenges when taking care of their children,” Obocho wrote. “That idea turned into the mission I have today – to help the community GROW.”

obocho and sasha

He brought his mission to life with Obocho’s Closet, a thrift shop that sells donated pieces of clothing for $10 and under. It started as an online store, but after raising more than $10,000 on GoFundMe, Obocho opened a physical location in Brooklyn this year on his birthday!

obocho and sasha

His main goal is to provide families with affordable options so they can save money for college funds, but he also uses some of the proceeds to support local financial literacy classes, where parents learn about budgeting, saving, and using credit.

In June 2019, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams presented Obocho with a “Heroes of the Month” award for his outstanding contributions to their community.

“This young man personifies the great things young people are doing across our country and particularly in Brooklyn,” Eric told ABC.

obocho's closet

What a smart, caring kid! We can only imagine all the great things Obocho will go on to accomplish – though he’s already made his mark on the world. Sasha must be so proud!

Hear more about Obocho’s mission in the video below, and share this story to spread the word.

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