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When Mom Goes On Vacation, Dad Thinks Up Hilarious Hack To Dry Daughters’ Hair.

leaf blower hair hack

You can always count on a resourceful dad to dream up unique solutions to life’s little problems.

One dad from Bordentown, New Jersey, has gone viral with a video he shared online that highlights the sort of paternal ingenuity that happens whenever mom goes out of town. After giving his young daughters Dylan and Isla a bath on the first night of mom Christie’s weekend away, he looked around the bathroom and couldn’t find a hair dryer anywhere.

girls wet hair

It turns out, Christie had taken the blow dryer with her on her trip. As his cute daughters put on their nightgowns and got ready for bed, dad scratched his head and wondered what he’d do to dry their long hair without the styling tool. Wracking his brain, the answer came to him as quickly as you can say, “Check the garage.”

Much to Isla and Dylan’s delight, dad dragged out the leaf blower from the garage and plugged it in. He then lined up the kids and let it rip!


Both girls start bouncing the second the wind hits them, sending their wet tresses flying. They’re both giggling wildly the entire time and having the time of their lives. Dad says that his leaf blower trick has now ruined them for regular hair dryers!

“After I gave my daughters Dylan and Isla a bath, I had to improvise,” he wrote. “They loved it, as you can tell. They asked me to dry their hair with the leaf blower every time they have a bath.”

Now that the kids are taken care of the family dog better make himself scarce. Or maybe he’d enjoy it as much as the kids did?


They are just too adorable, and we love that dad thought outside the box like this! You just never know what a father might do when left to his own devices, but no matter what, we know he’ll make it work. Just ask Isla and Dylan!

Watch the funny video that’s going viral below, and don’t forget to share with a dad who would do this too.

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