Neglected Bull Was Chained His Entire Life, But His Touching Reaction To Freedom Is Beautiful To Witness.

Bandit the bull lived in a steel box for all of his life. He was one of many million stock animals that lived in narrow stables worldwide and had never been outside his enclosure. It’s an existence that is tough to comprehend.

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But it makes his freedom all the more rewarding. I for one didn’t expect a bull to care much whether it was fed in a cage or on the range, especially if it had been raised in captivity like Bandit.

The moment the big-hearted bull realized he was free totally changed my point of view. Bandit’s demeanor immediately changes once he’s freed from his chain. The 2,000 lb bull frolics as lightly and excitedly as a baby deer! Bandit also nuzzles and plays in the loose hay inside the barn.

My heartstrings were fully tugged when Bandit and his rescuer interact at his new home. Bandit gently nuzzles right up against his new owner, at one point they are head to head. You can almost sense Bandit telling his rescuer how much he loves him. It’s a beautiful image of hope and freedom.

Watch the touching moment below and share with your friends!

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