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Meet Naomi, The 5-Yr-Old Painting Prodigy Who Already Has Her Own Gallery Exhibition.

5 year old naomi liu sitting on the floor and painting colorful monsters on a large canvas

A lot of little kids go through a phase where they just want to draw on anything and everything they can get their hands on.

Naomi Liu was no different. Starting at just 1 year old, she could be found creating a mess on tablecloths, walls, floors – nothing was off-limits in the mind of this tiny artist. This was no doubt frustrating for her parents, but instead of focusing on getting her to stop, they decided to nurture what seemed to be a natural gift.

Now 5 years old, Naomi has grown a lot both physically and as an artist. Instead of drawing on walls, she’s painting on canvases far larger than her tiny body.

Wanting to share her art online, her parents created an Instagram page to showcase Naomi’s incredible work. In a little under two months, a sped-up video of her painting a giant canvas from start to finish blew up on Twitter.

At the start of the video, Naomi can be seen sitting on the floor, painting with all sorts of colors on a canvas so large, the top can’t even be seen. As she progresses on her depictions of what appear to be silly, colorful monsters, she has several outfit changes. That tells us this piece of art likely took days to create.

With over 5 million views, Naomi quickly gained thousands of followers. As of now, she has over 20,500 on her Instagram alone.

But a large following online isn’t the only huge accomplishment this child prodigy has to brag about. The 5-year-old recently had the honor of having some of her artwork featured in a gallery exhibition!

Naomi’s website is a work-in-progress and art sales aren’t currently available, but it’s clear that big things are coming for this brilliant little girl. We can’t wait to see what her future holds!

Watch Naomi’s viral video below, and don’t forget to share this story.

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