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“My Husband Dropped Me Off At The Airport With Nothing But A Confirmation Number”

Close up of a woman coyly looking to the side.

Some moms prefer a more low-key Mother’s Day, but the surprise that Nika Diwa got this year was anything but! According to a video Nika shared on her social media accounts, her husband did his best to keep her in the dark about what he had in store for her. You might be thinking: “That makes sense — most gifts are surprises, after all.” But the one that this hubby had up his sleeve was much more elaborate than your average gift — this one had Nika go to the airport without a single idea as to where she was going.

Instead, all she had was a confirmation number. All alone, she boarded a plane, not really knowing what to expect once she arrived at her destination. Once she did, however, she was met by some unexpected guests: her mom and sister! That’s right — it was officially time for a girls’ trip! Catch a peak into this exciting surprise in the video below.



♬ Celebrate the Good Times – Mason

The looks on all three of these excited women’s faces is absolutely priceless! What a perfect way for any mom to get away from the stresses of everyday life for a while. Truly, I can’t imagine how Nika’s husband will ever top this one!

“HE WINS MOTHER’S DAY,” Nika happily exclaims in the caption of her video.

Thoughtful Husband Surprises His Wife With an Unbelievable Gift at the Airport

Now that this video has gone viral, folks from all around the world can’t stop gushing over this sweet husband’s thoughtful surprise.

“Your mom and sister being there too is so sweettt,” someone writes in the comments section.

“Girl you got a good one there,” another person shares, “Nothing short of what you deserve. Enjoy and have the best time!”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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