Sweet Pup Gets 2nd Chance After Almost Losing Her Life To The Dog Meat Trade.

Sadly, consuming dog meat is still practiced in some parts of the world, including on illegal farms in Indonesia.

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In Bali, a little mixed breed pup named Mo very nearly fell victim to this vicious trade. The dog was at death’s door when she was discovered in a dirty gutter with her mouth taped shut and her hind legs tied together.

Rescuers from Mission Pawsible are working tirelessly to help the hundreds of thousands of homeless animals in Bali. When they heard about Mo, they hurried to the scene and found the poor girl starving and in pain. They speculated that she had lucked out by falling off the back of a meat trader’s cart, rolling into the gutter where she was trapped by her bindings for two long weeks.

Mission Pawsible staff members rushed the little dog to the vet’s office. They carefully removed the tape from her snout, which is when they discovered that it had completely cut off blood flow to her nose and upper jaw, causing the flesh to slowly die. In her weakened state, they worried she wouldn’t even survive surgery, but they had to try.

Mo underwent major surgery to reattach her snout using skin grafts and sutures. She proved to be a fighter throughout the whole process, and as the anesthesia wore off, she woke up without any trouble. Incredibly, her tiny tail began to wag as soon as she came around!

In spite of all she’s been through, Mo’s sweet personality began to shine, and she quickly bonded with the kind humans and other animals at the shelter. Once she had put on some weight and recovered from her surgery, Mission Pawsible found her the perfect forever home!

The pup was so relieved to be in a safe, loving family environment that she slept for 10 straight hours her first night there. She loves her new canine brothers and sisters and gets lots of cuddle time in with her humans.

Her snout has healed well, and she has even regained the feeling in her nose! At long last, she is eating normally and getting lots of extra treats.

Mission Pawsible is raising money to pay for Mo’s treatment and to help countless other animals who are at risk of inhumane and cruel treatment. Anyone can make a tax-deductible donation here.

This good girl deserves to be spoiled for the rest of her life to make up for everything she’s been through! What a tough little survivor!

Share this story to spread the word about Mo and other dogs in Bali who need our help.

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