Man Forms Cutest Friendship With Abandoned Magpie He Found On Side Of Road.

Matt Owens of New Zealand was out minding his own business one day when he came across an injured magpie on the side of the road. The poor bird looked completely alone, so Matt decided to take him home and rehabilitate him.

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After spending plenty of time caring for his new friend, whom he named Swoop, Matt helped him walk and even fly. Finally, the time came to release Swoop back into the wild, but the grateful bird opted to stay with Matt and his cat instead!


Initially, Matt was a little hesitant to introduce Swoop to Mowgli because so many cats love to chase birds. But since Swoop was part of their family, Matt sat down with Mowgli and helped the feline accept his new brother.

It worked out perfectly! Today, Swoop not only has an adorable relationship with Matt, but he’s also great pals with Mowgli.

“They’re sort of best mates, and they just hang out with each other all the time,” Matt said. “Usually they’re just roaming around together; the bird’s lying on his back and cuddling with the cat.”


Swoop has made Matt’s life better in more ways than one!

In fact, the day the two of them met was the very same day Matt found out his dad had terminal cancer. Experiencing so much love for Swoop gave him something positive to focus on during an otherwise difficult season.


Like any good parent, Matt fully expects that Swoop will leave the nest at some point to start his own family. While it’s a bittersweet thought, Matt is cherishing every moment they have together!

“I treat him like a wild bird,” he added. “My job is just to look after him and keep him alive, but he’s chosen to stay.”


This is one beautiful family! You can find more of Matt, Mowgli, and Swoop’s adventures here.

Learn more about their amazing bond in the video below, and remember to share this sweet story with your animal-loving friends.

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