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Mariah Carey Raves About Boy’s Joy-Filled Performance Of “All I Want For Christmas.”

When you think of modern holiday music, the “Queen of Christmas” is bound to cross your mind. Although the song was initially released in 1994, Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas” continues to dominate airwaves during the festive season.

And for good reason! This catchy, upbeat tune fills us all, young and old, with Christmas joy.

In a popular Twitter, a 10-year-old boy named Knox is seen performing the cheerful melody with his fourth grade classmates. But all eyes are firmly planted on Knox, even when he’s not singing a solo. Pure exuberance shines through in the look on his face, the expression in his voice, and the bounce in his step. Quite simply, Knox is a joy to behold!

“We don’t want to shush our son and we don’t want to make it a point to say you’re being too loud when all he’s really doing is being happy.” said Jennifer White-Johnson, Knox’s mother. “Even going further, with a Black autistic child, there’s certain expectations of what that child’s behavior is going to be like … And it’s like, well, he’s still a human being and he has feelings and he has emotions and he’s excited to share.”

Apparently, Knox’s enthusiasm is contagious! So far, the video has garnered hundreds of thousands of views on Twitter and over 11,000 likes. Mariah Carey herself has taken the time to acknowledge Knox’s outstanding performance on Twitter, saying: “Your JOY gives me and everyone watching JOY. THANK YOU for reminding me why I wake up in the morning and do what I do. I love you.”

Check out Knox’s performance below, and don’t forget to share with a friend!

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