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Man Stolen From His Family 42 Yrs Ago Tearfully Reunites With Them For The 1st Time.

Jimmy Lippert Thyden holds his birth mother, María Angèlica González, in his arms as they both cry.

In the 70s and 80s, thousands of Chilean children were stolen from their families through illegal adoption. Jimmy Lippert Thyden didn’t realize that this is what happened to him until the organizations Nos Buscamos and MyHeritage helped him use DNA testing to locate his biological family. Once he had this information, he couldn’t wait to find a way to finally meet them. Meanwhile his birth mom, María Angèlica González, had no idea he was still alive.

After giving birth to Jimmy, her newborn was immediately taken away. She was told he had died. When she asked for his body, they lied and said they had already disposed of it. To say that she was shocked when she found out that wasn’t true would be a massive understatement.

María Angèlica González covers her face with her hands from being overwhelmed as she approaches the son who was taken from her 43 years ago that she thought died, Jimmy Lipper Thyden.

Jimmy and María’s first time meeting one another was captured on camera, and it was just as heartbreakingly beautiful as you’d imagine. The second they were able to hug, the tears began to flow.

“I am happy for the moments we’re getting right now, but I lament the loss of 42 years of time with my family, with my siblings, with her,” Jimmy shared. “It’s the frustration of losing my culture and the frustration of losing so much time.”

Being able to meet his biological family is an important first step in Jimmy’s healing journey. Now, he’s hoping that his story will help others. He knows how impactful it can be because he was prompted to search for his family after seeing a USA Today report just like his own.

María Angèlica González and Jimmy Lippert Thyden smile as they sit and hold hands. María's eyes are closed as if possibly caught up in some music. Jimmy smiles as he looks at her. They're both dressed nicely,

“It’s incredible that there are people that aren’t directly connected to this trauma that are stepping in to assist,” Jimmy said. “I don’t think I could have done this for myself. These stories have to be told until every child is found and every family is reunited.”

Watch Jimmy reunite with his family in the video below.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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