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Man Battling Cancer Starts Mission To Inspire Others To “Stop Waiting, Start Living.”

a man named adam miskow and a woman named jill ford posing and smiling as adam rings a bell in celebration of finishing his radiation treatment and a t-shirt from bonfire by team adam that is blue and reads "the brightest rainbows come after the storm"

In a single night, Adam Miskow’s life was turned completely upside down.

While sleeping, he suffered a grand mal seizure that sent him to the ER. There, doctors discovered that he had a brain tumor that needed to be removed as soon as possible.

a man named adam miskow smiling as he stands outside with beautiful trees in the near distance
Adam Miskow

With only two days to prepare, Adam underwent brain surgery. Biopsies confirmed that the tumor was stage three cancer, prompting radiation treatment and chemotherapy, the latter of which won’t be complete until September 2022. After that, he’ll undergo one last surgery.

In addition to Adam’s cancer treatments, he’s also undergone extensive rehab to regain motor skills on the left side of his body, something he lost because of the location of his tumor.

Through all of these hardships, Adam has been able to rely on one constant: The love and support of his friends, family, and even strangers. Not only have they been their for him emotionally, but they’ve been there for him financially as well.

Because of Adam’s poor health, he still isn’t medically cleared to return to work. Between that and his costly medical bills, Team Adam, an inspirational T-shirt campaign, was born.

“The T-shirt campaign started as a fundraiser to help offset the costs of being off of work for a year while he endured his cancer treatments,” Team Adam Director and Adam’s girlfriend, Jill Ford said. “But Adam felt strongly that the fundraiser not only benefited him, but would also make a positive impact on the lives of others too.”

Together, Adam and Jill have created over 20 beautifully designed shirts that feature uplifting quotes inspired by the journey they’ve been on – that includes “Keep Going,” “Be Brave,” and “The best views come after the hardest climb.”

But one of the most important messages to Adam has to be this: “The brightest rainbows come after the storm.”

“This is a message that he hand-wrote on cards and gave to each of his doctors, nurses, and physical therapists after he was released from the hospital and rehab center earlier this year,” Jill said. “He is truly grateful for all of the good things, and people, that came from this very hard time.”

As the profits from the T-shirt sales go toward supporting Adam, he hopes that the message each one carries can help bring the kind of joy and hope he’s been blessed with throughout this difficult journey.

“He wants to remind others that no matter how difficult the challenge may seem, whether it be a health crisis like he had, or family issues, money problems or anything else, that there is always hope, and that something good can be found even in the most challenging of situations,” Jill said.

a man named adam miskow and a woman named jill ford posing and smiling as adam rings a bell in celebration of finishing his radiation treatment
Adam Miskow

“Sometimes you just need a little reminder,” Adam added.

If you’d like to support Adam, visit his online shop or his GoFundMe page.

You can also share this article to spread word of Adam’s journey.

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