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Man And Woman Argue Over Baby Names For The Funniest Reason.

A frustrated dad selecting the perfect baby name that his Boston wife might be able to pronounce without the accent.

Selecting the perfect baby name for your newest arrival can put extra stress on couples, especially when they disagree. Whether this will be your firstborn or you are a seasoned veteran parent, names are a huge deal. Choosing the right name can make your child’s life a joy or bring about pure misery. When these parents were discussing names for their child, it was a little hot but hilarious.

I remember going over selected baby names. We did a round of “evil middle-schooler” testing. The goal was to think of every possible nickname we could create from our perfect baby name choice. We’re pretty sure this dad’s reasoning is not as stringent as the “evil middle-schooler” criteria.

Two frames showing a frustrated dad while choosing the perfect baby name with his wife.
Image from YouTube.

The video opens with the dad asking, “You don’t see a problem with those names at all?” The mom reassures him that she likes the names they are discussing. The frustrated dad looks at his wife, saying, “Our kids are gonna get bullied.”

She argues back that their kids aren’t going to get bullied. The dad says, “Say it.” When the mom answers, we begin to understand the problem.

Image shows the phonetic pronunciation of the name, Carter, said with a Boston accent and sounding like Cahteh.
Image from YouTube.

The wife’s Boston accent causes her to pronounce “Carter” as “Cahteh.” Then he prompts her to say “Mark.” Her answer, “Mahk,” contains a lilt of the voice, sounding like an adolescent boy having voice-change issues.

The problem also includes their girl choices. One suggestion was “Piper.” When the husband has her pronounce that, it sounds something like “Pipah.”

Image shows the phonetic pronunciation of the name, Piper, said with a Boston accent and sounding like Pipah.
Image from YouTube.

We Think You’re Grasping At Straws, Dad

Dad ends the video almost speechless, but he does manage to say, “homeschool it is.” The kids will probably be fine if the parents aren’t spelling the name phonetically based on her accented pronunciation. We don’t think this dad’s reasoning for picking the perfect baby name holds wahteh. Watch the entire clip for a good laugh. Share with your friends, especially if they are expecting a baby soon!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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