Little “Annie” Actor Falls Off The Stage — But Adorably Doesn’t Miss A Beat!

A little girl named Stella stands on a stage as she sings. She's playing the part of Little Annie. Next to her is a 6-year-old dressed as her dog, Sandy. The girl dressed as Sandy is falling off the stage, one foot straight in the air as she does.

You can never fully plan for every possible mishap in life. Luckily, this little girl is able to take the saying “the show must go on” to heart, even when she falls from the stage during a Little Annie play. Her mom, who runs an Instagram account about their family called Hello Sweetie Pies, manages to capture this moment on camera. Naturally, she was quick to share this delightful mishap online.

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The clip starts with the character Annie and her little dog, Sandy, sitting together. In the next clip, we see them closer to the edge of the stage. This is when Annie starts to sing the iconic song “Tomorrow.” The audience is absolutely delighted when Sandy joins in on the song with some well-timed “woofs.”

Actors for Little Annie and her dog, Sandy, sit on a stage. The actor for Annie is looking away in the distance as she sings. The 6-year-old playing Sandy looks at the camera with a small smile.

Finally, we see a clip that takes place toward the climax of the song. The actor for Annie, whose name is Stella, is absolutely killing it with her vocals. Meanwhile, the 6-year-old who plays Sandy is noticeably close to the edge of the stage.

Little Annie Actor Falls Off Stage Like a Pro

A little girl named Stella stands on a stage as she sings. She's playing the part of Little Annie. Next to her is a 6-year-old dressed as her dog, Sandy. The girl dressed as Sandy is falling off the stage, one foot straight in the air as she does.

Then, suddenly, Sandy takes a nosedive toward the floor, feet in the air as she tries to catch herself. An adult is quick to help her back on stage. Unfazed, the 6-year-old continues on like normal — and just in time to add more “woofs” to the song. The audience cheers her on without hesitation.

The video only gets more adorable when Annie’s song ends, prompting her to immediately squat next to Sandy so she can ask the actor if she’s okay. She is, and together, they enjoy their moment in the spotlight. How sweet!

Watch the moment this little Annie actor falls from the stage in the delightful video below.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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