Subway Singer Stops Man In His Tracks With Astounding “Landslide” Cover.

street musician landslide

There are lots of musicians who play in the Chicago subway, hoping to earn a few dollars with their talents. But every once in a while, you hear a performance that truly stops you in your tracks.

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YouTuber Bo Rodda captured a video of a street performer named Ashley Stevenson and her guitar and vocal skills are truly remarkable. Bo wrote, “On my way home from work tonight I saw one of the best performances I have ever seen- anywhere. This young women playing ‘Landslide’ absolutely stunned the entire crowd…”


Ashley starts slowly, and before she even makes it through the second verse of the popular Fleetwood Mac song, people are starting to respond to her incredible cover.

Seriously, you have to listen to the guitar solo she rips during the bridge.


Soon, passersby start dropping bills into her basket in appreciation, and a small crowd forms to watch her dramatic performance. Ashley’s voice sounds like a slightly sweeter version of Tracy Chapman’s, and it suits the lyrics and the feeling of longing that the song conveys for many listeners.

“Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I’m getting older, too”

Although the video ends before we can see the crowd’s response, Bo assures us that everyone “erupted into applause as the train [arrived]” – and she really deserved it!

Watch her amazing performance below, and be sure to share with a music fan in your life.

Since the video went viral, she’s taken her career to new heights. If you’d like to hear more from Ashley check her out here!

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