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“Lad And Dad” Receive Anonymous Gift From Truck Driver They Unknowingly Blessed.

A two-photo collage. The first is of Alex leaning against the M6 bridge as he smiles and waves to the passing vehicles on the road below. The second is a toy truck in a box sat on a floor, showing off the front side. Someone wrote on the front, "For the dad & lad who watch the trucks."

It’s the small things in life that can have the biggest impact.

Reporter Nick Beres was contacted about such a story by Darren James, a resident of Staffordshire, England. According to Darren, he’ll often take his son, Alex, down to the M6 bridge where he’ll wave at traffic, an activity both him and the drivers enjoy.

“Some wave back or beep their horns,” Darren shared. “He gets very excited.”

During one of their usual trips, the two of them noticed something out of the ordinary: A toy truck had been zip tied to the bridge’s railing. Naturally, they got a closer look.

Turns out, a truck driver who regularly passes by the bridge has seen Alex a few times now and has grown quite fond of him. To show his appreciation for the cheerful young man, the driver left him this gift along with a kind message.

“To the dad and lad who watch the trucks,” the mystery driver wrote on the box. “Drive for royal mail and see you and your lad regularly and thought he might like his own. Have a nice day!”

Blown away by such thoughtfulness, Darren contacted Nick in hopes that they’ll be able to find the incredible person who took time out of their, no doubt busy, day to help make his son smile.

“We went today and found this – amazing,” Darren said. “We’d love to know who the kind and generous driver is from Royal Mail!”

We sure hope that Darren and Alex can get in contact with this sweet driver but, in any case, there’s no doubt he’s helped make the world a bit brighter – not only for Darren and Alex, but those who have come across their story. And for that we say thank you!

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