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Katy Perry’s Emotional Last Night On “American Idol” Has Fans Tearing Up

Close up of Katy Perry crying.

Sunday’s season finale of American Idol got rather emotional — and not just because of winner Abi Carter’s final performance. This also marked Katy Perry’s last night as judge on American Idol. Although most of the night was spent giving the contestants the love and attention they deserve, there were still plenty of great moments throughout the night that had both Perry and her fans in tears.

One of these moments took place during a duet with Perry and contestant Jack Blocker. Together, they sang one of her own songs, What Makes A Woman. Their voices sound absolutely perfect together! What makes this performance especially moving, however, has to do with what Perry wore: a super long dress with the faces of 168 American Idol contestants all over it.

“I thought a good way to honor my time here would be to put the top 24 of each season on my skirt so they were all there,” Perry explains. “It was a fun surprise because I was raising up and you just saw more and more contestants.”

Perry’s fans couldn’t agree more, noting that the positive impact she’s been able to have on so many artists over the years.

Katy Perry’s Final Night as Judge on American Idol Gets Emotional

“[Katy] bought a lot to the young people on the stage,” one fan notes. “Gave them the advice and encouragement that will stay with them always.”

To cap off the emotional night, there was the announcement of this season’s winner, Abi Carter. As always, the newly crowned winner performed a song — What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish. This felt like the perfect song to play as Perry took in her last few moments as a judge, clearly teary-eyed.

Also fittingly, fellow judges Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie gathered around Perry for a heartwarming group hug. The group has become quite close over the years, so there’s no doubt that Perry’s absence will be felt by them, too.

Fans Share Kind Words After Katy Perry’s Final American Idol Episode

“I’m going to miss her. She’s hilarious, the best 3 judges eveeeer!” one fan writes.

“Gained a lot of respect for Katy over the years and became a fan of her as a person. She was great judge and seemed to genuinely care about the contestant, even signed one of them to her label (Michael J Woodard),” another notes. “It became obvious she wasn’t just there for herself and the show certainly has big shoes to now fill. Thank you Katy for 7 great years.”

“I am going really miss Katy in American Idol,” another admits, “but I really truly wish her all the best for the future.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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