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When Elderly Man Comes To Nail Salon To Get His Nails Trimmed, Salon Workers Have The Best Response

An elderly man at a nail salon getting a pedicure.

A woman at a nail salon witnessed the sweetest interaction between an elderly customer and staff, and she just had to share the story on social media! According to her post, the older man came in looking for a pedicure. He explained that, unfortunately, he couldn’t reach his own toes to clip his nails. The nail salon employee took extra good care of the elderly gentleman!

“This woman was so attentive and sweet,” wrote the social media user in her video. “She helped him with his socks and shoes and and helped him in and out of his chair.”

However, that wasn’t all. After giving him the royal treatment during his pedicure, the nail salon worker refused to charge the elderly man a penny! The woman watching this encounter was floored by how kindly the staff treated this man.

“Everyone was so sweet and nice!” she exclaimed at the end of her post.

This story has warmed the hearts of many internet users!

In her caption, the woman included the address of the nail salon in case her followers wanted to pay them a visit. Many commenters were truly impressed with the way they treated their elderly customer!

“As a nail tech, I can’t even tell you how many elderly have made me cry after they left,” wrote one user. “We must do a better job of taking care of our elderly!! This gives me hope.”

Another added, “It’s something so small to a lot of us, but to him it probably meant so much more. It probably took a lot for him to even go in there and it was so nice to see how they just jumped in and did it.”

An elderly man at a nail salon getting a pedicure.
Screengrab from TikTok

This commenter makes a very good point! Many men have grown up with the idea that getting a manicure or pedicure is somehow “unmanly.” It probably helped this elderly gentleman feel more at ease when the people working at the nail salon were so friendly and welcoming!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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