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Boy With Painful Skin Condition Breaks Down When He Sees Brand-New Donated Home.

john dilgen

John Hudson Dilgen is only 15 years old, but he’s already experienced more physical agony than most people will ever suffer.

John has a rare skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa, a condition that prevents his skin from adhering to his body. His entire body is covered in open sores, and literally everything hurts, from a splash of water to a soft summer breeze. John and his family have been dealing with his condition in an older home in their Staten Island neighborhood that is not handicap accessible, making the job of keeping him safe and comfortable even more difficult.


One day, John and his parents decided to appeal to a charitable organization best known for helping families of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York City. The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation came out to the Dilgen family home to discuss helping them put a washing tub in their kitchen to help bathe John; instead, they went a different route.

John explained, “They took my mother outside and said, ‘We’re not going to do that for you because that tub is going to be in your new house that we’re going to build for you.'”


The foundation instantly recognized that the Dilgen home was poorly equipped for someone with health problems as big as John’s. They got to work building a brand-new home, one that’s got smart technology, an elevator to give John access to all three levels, radiant heat in a specialized treatment room, and a few other goodies for his siblings and parents.


John and his family were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of everyone at Tunnel to Towers, and the teen couldn’t keep from breaking down as he described what this new home means to him and his family.

“I’ve waited so long to be independent, and I can’t believe that I finally have a home that is not only accessible but has smart technology,” he said through tears. “And that’s going to help me and my whole family.”


“There’s nothing smart about my old house,” John said. “My toilet runs all the time. Almost all the windows don’t close. If they were just building us a regular house I’d be ecstatic, but they’re building a house where I can live independently for the rest of my life.”


John’s new home has many technological advances all designed to make their lives just a little bit more comfortable, and after all the pain he’s gone through in his life thus far, this boy really deserves all the comfort life can offer.

Watch the video below to learn more about John and his new home, and don’t forget to share this story with others.

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