Seizure Wipes Girlfriend’s Memory Of Him, So He Fights To Win Her Love A Second Time.

Imagine waking up one day to a life without memories. Even a small gap in the timeline could cause incredible distress, but forgetting those you love is something else entirely. This terrible fate fell on Jessica Sharman while on a train ride with her long-time boyfriend, Rich Bishop.

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While in the middle of the ride, Jessica suffered multiple seizures that left her completely without memory of Rich, family or friends… but the lapse in recall wasn’t enough to scare this young man away. When Jessica saw Rich for the first time after the incident, she hated every moment of it, “I didn’t know him but he was acting like we were in love,” she said.


To Jessica, even her parents who she lives with, were complete strangers “Mum put a hand on my knee but I pushed it off,” she said. “It felt weird to be touched by a stranger.” Jessica’s parents showed her family photos and shared memories to help her remember, but it would take time and patience to bring Jessica back to reality. Jessica only agreed to go home with her mother after seeing a photo of them together.

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Jessica was released from the hospital after two weeks. Still with no memory of Rich, Jessica tried to end things with him. Rich was crushed, but refused to give up on the girl that he loved.

“He looked so hurt and promised he would help me remember how great we were together,” Jessica said.


Rich took Jessica on long walks and to their favorite restaurants… and his persistence finally wooed her heart, “”I don’t remember the first time I fell in love with Rich, but I do remember the second,” Jessica said.


Jessica and Rich are still picking up the pieces, but it seems that these two were meant to be after all. Jessica may keep her memory but there’s a 50% chance that she will lapse again, but as far as their relationship is concerned, Jessica is not worried in the slightest.

“Rich was able to make me fall in love with him twice — so I know he could do it again.”

Lavan Guardia

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