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Jason Aldean’s Daughter Cleverly Pleads Her Case In Parental “Court of Law”

Jason Aldean

Jason Aldean’s daughter may be young, but she’s already a skilled litigator. 

Five-year-old Navy is full of spunk and sass, and she’s proving to be endearingly troublesome for her parents. First, the little girl found herself a boyfriend, who she believed could beat up her dad. Now, she’s roughhousing with her brother, Memphis, and making a solid case for it. 

Her mom, Brittany, caught a conversation with Navy on camera that showed Navy just after she got in trouble for pulling Memphis’ hair. Brittany had told her there were no excuses for violence, but the Navy begged to differ. 

“…I was almost going to jump on him, so that was for a reason,” Navy said. “…When I was going to jump, it scared me, because I thought I was going to jump on my brother’s belly.

“So that’s why. So that was for a reason,” she continued. “You guys can’t be mad at me for that. I told Memphis to sit still, and he did not.”

Brittany asked if Navy why and how she pulled her brother’s hair. Navy admitted she did it on purpose, even though it was “for a reason.” Brittany stood her ground and made sure her daughter knew that she understood she couldn’t pull anyone’s hair for any reason. 

Navy finally conceded that what she had done was wrong, but she wanted her parents to understand her actions weren’t so black and white. 

“We don’t pull people’s hair. You hear me?” Brittany said sternly.

“Yes mama, but that pulling hair was for a reason,” said Navy.

While Navy gave into her mom, Jason Aldean hilariously backed up his daughter in the comments. 

“My girl! A case well pled,” he joked. “I kinda see your point on this one Nave.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here

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