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Is It Friday Yet? 15 More Work Memes To Get You Through The Week.

two-photo collage. on the left there is a picture of a meme of the "monday lisa". on the right there is a picture a meme that says: "when i leave work, i'm gonna hit the gym, fold the laundry, get some cleaning done and cook food" and then a like below that says "me for 4 hours after getting home" and a picture of michael scott from the office with cheeto powder on his mouth and a bowl fool of cheetos right next to him.

Some people love their job while others… not so much. Regardless of this, most adults have to work to make ends meet whether they like it or not… Yep, that’s life!

Without even realizing it, our work slowly becomes like our second home (or even more like our first home) where we experience countless situations and emotions. The truth is, there are many experiences that all workers can relate to regardless of their craft or profession.

For this reason, we decided to compile another list of some of the most hilarious, and relatable, work memes! Yeah, there are many things that happen in the workplace that can be considered “annoying,” but why not just laugh about it? They say laughter is the best medicine, so keep scrolling to get a dose!

1. It’s pretty much all or nothing, depending on the day.

2. Especially when the meeting has already ran for 1 hour and 54 minutes.

3. Wow! Even the Mona Lisa thinks Mondays are rough.

4. “I swear it sounded so much cooler in my head!”

5. Shout out to that work bestie that makes our jobs more fun and are always there when we need them!

6. Wakes up in the middle of the night… wants to go to bed by 4 p.m.

7. Weekend workers: We see you, we hear you, and we appreciate you!

8. That’s when you immediately start typing and change to a very “focused” facial expression.

9. It just seems like time doesn’t run at a regular pace during work hours!

10. Been there, done that… at least it shows some ambition!

11. Every. Single. Morning.

12. Who else loves daylight savings time? 🙋

13. Have you ever thought about how Monday is so far from Friday yet Friday is so close to Monday?

14. Someone has to give the new employee some honest advice!

15. At the end of the day, there is nothing a good, big cup of coffee (or tea) can’t fix during those rough work days.

Yes, having to work can make people feel a full range of emotions. However, it helps to accept that life is what we make of it! With that said, we encourage you to enjoy your job (and everything in between) to the fullest and just take those “uncomfortable” or even “annoying” work situations into a helpful lesson or just a funny experience to share in the future.

Don’t forget to share this list with your favorite coworker!

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