700 Pound Internet Bully Mocks Bodybuilders, But Their Reaction To His Photo Is Epic.

We’ve told you before about the cruelty of internet bullying, and we’ve also shared some incredible weight loss stories with you. But never before have we shared a story about an internet bully who began an unbelievable weight loss journey… and it’s all thanks to the very people he was mocking online!

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The term “troll” used to refer to a fictional, elf-like creature that lived under a bridge. But in the age of the internet, the word has taken on an entirely new meaning. Now, a “troll” is someone whose greatest pleasure is starting fights in the comment section of videos and posts or in forums online, someone who shares inflammatory messages to get a rise out of readers. One such troll was Jesse Shand.

Jesse Shand was once a prolific internet troll. The 700 pound 28-year-old would spend all day trolling people from the safety of his mother’s home to make himself feel better about his obesity.


“I was too fat to even fit in my own shower,” said Jesse. “I hadn’t bathed in years, I hadn’t left my house in years. I had given up on myself, convinced I was too far gone to possibly hope to correct my mistakes. ”

One day, Jesse decided to troll an online forum of bodybuilders. The bodybuilders responded to his mocking by demanding Jesse show a picture of himself. For some unknown reason, Jesse complied with their request… and it’s a good thing he did.

“Instead of giving Jesse a taste of his own medicine, the bodybuilders gave him tips on how to get in shape and they were not going to accept any excuses.”

Jesse began taking their advice, slowly making changes in his life… and he started to see a difference! The very people who Jesse had attacked became his biggest cheerleaders, and the internet– the very tool which he had used to tear others down– became the place where he shared his weight loss journey.

Now, Jesse has lost more than 400 pound and has put his trolling ways behind him. He plans to make up for the hurt he caused by helping others who may be in a similar situation as the one he was in when his unlikely friends– an online forum of bodybuilders– intervened and changed his life forever.

See Jesse’s transformation below and share!

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