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Immigrant Father Radiates Pride As He Helps Son Set Up 1st Classroom Ever.

man hangs something from ceiling

When back-to-school season comes around, it’s all-hands-on-deck for teachers prepping their classrooms! Supplies need to be purchased, decorations need to be hung, and plans need to be made so students feel welcome on their first day. However, this year, it’s the teacher’s first day, too!

This teacher is setting up his first classroom (with very cool space wallpaper, I might add) and he had an unexpected helper.

His father showed up to help him get the classroom ready. He cut paper, hung wall ornaments, carried shelves, and wrote an “I Love You” message across the board, of course.

After downplaying the start of his first year as a teacher, this son came to a big realization.

“POV: you get your first teaching job and you don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but your immigrant dad who didn’t have the same opportunities does. He’s so proud and helps you decorate your first classroom,” writes the teacher.

Family support is vital, and doesn’t stop being important after kids graduate school. This dad continued to show up for his son, and now a new generation of students get to experience the love and care of this family.

Watch the full clip below to see this dad in action!

The featured image for this post is from Reddit.

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