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Husband Bakes Cornbread For Wife And Daughter Every Day For A Week For The Most Wholesome Reason.

Pieces of cornbread stacked together in a triangle.

When this husband made cornbread unprompted, his wife was delighted. However, when he continued to bake a batch of this treat every day for a week, she got confused. Finally, she asked him what he was up to. His answer was so sweet, his wife just had to share the adorable story on Reddit (please be aware that the post contains NSFW language).

First, the woman explained that she’d been having a difficult week because her daughter was teething. That was when her husband started cooking up enough cornbread to feed an army. At first, she didn’t realize that the two things were related. However, he soon explained himself.

“But I asked him tonight after the seventh round of cornbread, why he was making so much,” the Reddit post said. “And he walked to the bedroom and pulled a note out of our sock drawer. He said ‘On our 4th date you told me that when you were a nanny, you made cornbread for teething children because it was soft for their gums, and nice for you too’. Then he told me that he wrote that down just in case.”

She added, “He has kept that note for NINE years.”

Pieces of cornbread stacked together in a triangle.
Photo by Jose luis on Unsplash

Later, the woman added an update to her post. She wrote that her husband’s cornbread “really helped” during the teething process.

“I am proud to have him as my husband, and even luckier that my daughter has a father who adores her,” she said.

What a wonderful husband he is to make all that cornbread just to soothe his teething child! We bet he’s perfected his recipe by now.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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