Kid President Gives Adults Lesson On “How To Disagree Without Making Everybody Feel Terrible” And It’s Hilariously Perfect.

If there’s anything we have learned after the 2016 presidential election cycle, it’s that “some people just get worked up about anything.” Those wise words come from the old soul of Youtube and social media star aptly named, Kid President. So he decided to make a short video to teach the world that it’s okay to have different opinions and not agree on everything, but we need to learn how to disagree (without making everybody feel terrible).

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Isn’t it sad that a kid has to teach us this? Somewhere in growing up as adults, we’ve lost sight of how to respect each other and “play nicely”. He laid out a few awesome points, that we can all learn from, including a plea to grownups.

“We got a whole world to make more awesome. Grownups, we kids have been watching you. We’ve been learning how to disagree with people by watching you,” Kid President says. “We’ve seen some healthy disagreements and also lots of… recent disagreements.”

“Some people argue about which animal is better: cat or dog… elephant or donkey,” Kid President jokes. But those labels don’t matter when you look at the bigger picture.


Step 1: Treat people like they are people, people!

“I know, it seems pretty simple but in a heated argument you can forget that you’re talking to a person – a human being,” he says. “Someone who has a heartbeat.”

Step 2: Listen, listen, listen.

“Before trying to change someone’s opinion, take time to listen to them,” Kid President says.


Watch the video below to see Kid President continue his pep talk with a few more steps.

Politics have brought out the ugly side of the best of us. Maybe we should take some advice from Kid President. Don’t you agree?

Spoiler alert: Make sure to watch the video through the end for step six… “DANCE!”

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