Hooded mergansers are some of the most beautiful ducks on the pond. Their mating dance leaves a lot to be desired, though. The performance of their courtship dance will have you smiling. The males expand their crest fully, bob their heads a few times, flap their wings, and croak like a frog. The croaking sound has earned them the nickname of “frog duck.”
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Kaitlyn is a Wildlife Biologist and Amateur Wildlife Photographer who filmed the fantastic courtship dance. Although she plugs herself as an “amateur photographer,” the quality of her images and videos is incredible. She was able to catch the courtship dance with several males vying for one female’s attention.
Male hooded mergansers have a white chest and black back with distinctive white stripes on the wings. Females have a rust-colored body and crown. During courtship, the male’s crown expands into a large circular crest. The ducks drop their tails in the water, extending their bodies almost upright while flapping their wings and bobbing their heads. The courtship dance ends with a froggy croak.
Birds of all types take their courtship rituals seriously. When bald eagles court, it looks like an aerial battle royale. Some people compare it to a death spiral. Sometimes, humans can unwittingly perform a mating ritual like this Florida man with sandhill cranes. The red-crested korhaan performs an elaborate ritual to woo a mate, but it doesn’t always impress the ladies. Penguins offer pretty pebbles to potential mates.
There is no shortage of nature’s courtship dances among the animal kingdom. Although we don’t often witness these rituals, it is incredible when photographers capture them on video.
Please share if hooded mergansers are now your favorite type of duck.
You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here.
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