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Homeless Man Shares How His Dog “Saves My Life On A Daily Basis.”

Homeless man Andy with his dog Bailey.

In 2017, Andy was interviewed for a multi-episode news series (Homeless at Christmas | Out in the Cold S1 E7) by Channel 4, a British public broadcast service. In the seven-minute segment, Andy discussed his life on the streets, his heroin addiction, and his savior. Focusing on the homeless man and his dog, Bailey, the episode outlines the struggles faced on the streets.

One of the first scenes is Bailey helping with the groceries.

Homeless dog helping by carrying his own dog food.
Image from YouTube.

Andy is very frank when talking about his past. For 15 years, he has been a heroin addict. The last time he was released from jail, he decided he needed a change. As he exited the jail, two street beggars were selling tiny puppies across the street. On a whim, he paid 12 pounds for a tiny pup who was so young its eyes weren’t open yet. The next day, a vet estimated the pup’s age to be four weeks. Andy named him Bailey because the street beggar used the money to buy Bailey’s for himself. It fit.

Andy has been clean since adopting Bailey. He has not been free of the struggles related to street life, though. At one point, he was close to ending his life by suicide. While considering that, his thoughts shifted to Bailey. Who would care for the pup if he wasn’t around? Ultimately, Andy decided it was worth living for Bailey. That is why he credits Bailey with having saved his life: because he did.

Homeless man and his dog.
Image from YouTube.

There Are Many Homeless People With Dogs

Many of London’s homeless population have canine companions. There is a street vet who helps with veterinarian services on evenings and weekends. Many of the pet owners make claims similar to Andy’s about their dogs saving them. The dogs are healthy and receive lots of love.

If you wish to view some of the other episodes about the plight of the homeless, you can find them here. The relationship between this homeless man and his dog is a symbiotic one, with both receiving rewards. If you enjoyed this, please share it with your friends.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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