Comeback Story: Homeless Family Living In A Van Gets Life-Changing Gift From Kind Stranger.

Left frame shows a homeless family living in a van. Right frame shows the same family after they got an apartment.

Hugh Murray and his three sons were homeless and living in a van in the heat of Los Angeles. After eight long months, the small family caught the attention of social media influencer Jackie Gansky. She knew she could do something to help them, and thus began this journey of the heart. The initial goal was simple: to get the family out of the heat and into a structure. Jackie helped them with a couple of nights in a hotel room to help the family.

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After getting them into the hotel room, Jackie told her followers on social media about the family. Jackie explained that shelters in LA are all at capacity. The wheels began turning to get this homeless family out of their van and into a home of their own. They are steadily rolling toward their goals.

Jackie’s generous fans on TikTok and Instagram raised $40,000 within 48 hours. Jackie helped the family create an Amazon Wish List. They started a Facebook group where people could share well-wishes and get updates on the progress. People sent care packages by the dozens to help the family. A GoFundMe organizes, consolidates, and tracks donations.

Since beginning this journey, Jackie has assisted the Murray family in getting off the streets. Because of the generosity of her fans, Jackie was able to arrange for the family to live in an Airbnb for August while they sought a permanent residence. Meanwhile, Hugh’s van broke down while driving to the Airbnb. Jackie was able to fund a new car for the family, so Hugh will have transportation to find employment.

Image shows a set of bunk beds purchased with donations for a homelessness family getting their first home!
Image from TikTok.

Jackie secured an apartment for the family, with one year’s rent paid in full. They got furnishings and supplies and moved into the apartment in early September. The boys are going to school for the first time. Everything is looking better for this family.


Their first day of school ever starts Monday! Now that they have a permanent address we were able to enroll them in school! They have their hair done, new clothes, brand new backpacks and school supplies! Thank you for all the donations and love! Thank you B for tutoring! Updates on IG story

♬ original sound – Jackie Gansky

Although this journey of the heart is far from finished, it is safe to say that Jackie and Hugh have created a friendship that will last a long time. The boys call Jackie their “angel,” and they may be right. This family that was down on their luck and a social media influencer has ignited a community spirit that warms the heart. You can see a slide show of the entire campaign from homelessness to a home of their own.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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