10 Easy Ways To Help Kids Find Normalcy During The Pandemic.

In the early days and months of the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents felt overwhelmed by uncertainty. School closures and working from home lead to a major disruption in our routine, and stress over the future dominated our every waking moment.

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As parents, keeping our children healthy both mentally and physically is always our top priority. As the pandemic continues to effect our daily lives, here are some simple ways to help your kids cope with all the changes they’re going through his year.


1. Limit exposure to media.

Living with a 24-hour news cycle is both a blessing and a curse! While it’s good to stay informed about current events, try not to get too wrapped up in the details. Don’t watch the news with your kids in the room. Why make them worry about adult things over which they have no control?

2. But don’t make Covid a secret.

It’s important to be transparent with your kids while sharing only age-appropriate information. Let them know you’ll try to answer all of their questions about the virus without judgement, but don’t let it dominate your conversations.

3. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know.”

Just because we’re adults doesn’t mean we know all of the answers! Tell your kids that you’re learning about the virus just like they are. Focus on what we can do to keep ourselves safe.


4. Practice stress-reducing activities.

Children are more than capable of practicing stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, visualization, and deep breathing exercises. Physical exercise also helps reduce anxiety. And then there’s our favorite stress reducer: hugs!

5. Structure your day.

You don’t have to be too regimented, but kids do love a regular schedule. Set a time to rise and get dressed each day, do school work, and have meals. Give them a reason to get up and greet the day!


6. Don’t forget to play!

Play time is so important for social and mental development, plus it passes the time and helps you bond. Try to find a time to do puzzles, play board games, have a dance party, or even try some YouTube karaoke and sing away your stress!


7. Keep learning fun.

Look for ways to supplement their remote learning with fun activities. There are tons of resources online for parents looking to give their students a boost.

8. Talk about ways to stay safe.

There are a few things that we can control, including practicing good hand hygiene and wearing masks when we’re out in public. Keep the focus on keeping our bodies as clean and healthy as possible to give kids back some of their power.


9. Let them know you’re there for them.

No matter what happens, we’re going through this thing together!

10. Be flexible.

Not every day is going to go perfectly, and that’s okay! Be gentle with your kids — and yourself.


It’s way too easy to entertain negative thoughts, but it’s so much healthier to look on the bright side. Remind your kids that what’s happening is temporary! We will persevere.

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