Birth Mom Records Love Note To Her Newborn Son Before Giving Him Up For Adoption.

hannah mongie

Life can throw some curveballs that force us to do extremely difficult things. For one mother, that meant giving up her newborn baby boy to an adoptive family that she knew would be able to provide things for her son that she could not.

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When Hannah Mongie and her husband found out that they were pregnant, they were faced with one of the hardest decisions of their lives: Do they keep their little boy or give him up for adoption. In a video uploaded to YouTube, Hannah films her adorable newborn son, Tagg, as she explains why she chose the latter. Hannah’s words prove that this decision is never easy.


Hannah starts out by explaining that she met Tagg’s father, Kaden, in 2013. They dated for awhile and in 2015, she found out she was pregnant with his son.

“He loved you so much, from the very, very beginning,”Hannah tells Tagg. After her eight-week check-up, Hannah sent a recording of baby Tagg’s heartbeat to his father, who was overcome with joy. But two days after hearing his son’s own heartbeat, Kaden’s own heart stopped.


“From the day your daddy died I had a hard time even considering placing you with a different family when you were my last piece of Kaden,”Hannah continues, audibly crying and understandably suffering emotional pain. “But one day, I woke up and I just knew that you were supposed to be with someone else.â€


Hannah eventually discovered a couple, Emily and Brad, and after spending two weeks talking with them and getting to know them, she knew that they would be Tagg’s parents. “Over time, me and your mommy, Emily, became really, really good friends, and she’s one of my best friends now,”reveals Hannah, who goes on to say how much they already love him.


After tearfully telling her son over and over again how much she and his dad love him, Hannah ends the video.

“I hope anyone who watches this will be able to gain a new perspective on what the birth mom goes through when she places her child for adoption. It is the FARTHEST thing from a heartless act. It shows [the] definition of love. To love someone this much is to give away your happiness for them,”Hannah wrote in the video’s caption.


Her situation is undeniably heartbreaking, but it’s comforting to know that the adoption is an open one, so she gets to see Tagg regularly.

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