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Golfer Bryson DeChambeau Steps In When Man Steals Ball From Kid

Bryson DeChambeau points his golf club at someone in the crowd.

Professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau may be a skilled player, but he recently demonstrated that it takes a lot more than that to be a role model. One young fan in particular will never forget his special encounter with the famous athlete! What began as an impromptu act of kindness quickly became a feat of heroism when DeChambeau noticed someone ruining this kid’s moment. Everyone cheered when he stepped in to save the day!

During a game, Bryson DeChambeau tossed his golf ball to a small child in the crowd. Unfortunately, a grown man used his height advantage to grab it before the young fan even had a chance. Then, the guy ran off with the ill-gotten souvenir! Thankfully, the professional golfer saw what had happened and wouldn’t stand for it.

Although Bryson DeChambeau was on his way to the next tee, he stopped everything to shout at the man. Then, he stood there and waited until the guy brought the golf ball back to the child. Other members of the crowd chimed in, booing until the memento was returned to its intended owner. The little boy looked so incredibly happy when got it back!

A video of the courageous encounter has been going viral on social media. Commenters can’t say enough good things about Bryson DeChambeau’s act of kindness. Some even wrote that, while they usually didn’t care for this athlete, his response to the situation gave them a new perspective.

Bryson DeChambeau points his golf club at someone in the crowd.
Screengrab from TikTok

“Not a fan of his but this was a class act,” wrote one user.

Others were horrified that an adult would swoop in and steal a child’s souvenir like this.

“That skedaddle says that he knew he was wrong, too,” someone said.

Whether or not you’re a fan of Bryson DeChambeau’s golf career, you’ve got to respect the way he handled this moment! We’re sure the little boy in the video will never forget it.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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