Golden Retriever Refuses To Budge From Backseat When He Realizes Where He Is.

dog with leash in backseat

Golden retrievers are some of the sweetest dogs on Earth. But this golden retriever has a streak of stubbornness running through him when he realizes he’s at the vet!

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Lord Cartier is a beautiful dog who lives in North Carolina. His mom wanted to get him his check-up at the vet, but this golden retriever was too smart to go inside.

golden retriever sitting in backseat
This image is from YouTube.

As one commenter on the video pointed out, “The last thing [golden retrievers] will ever do is flinch a single muscle in retaliation against his master. But, they sure know how to suddenly feel like a 1000-pound dog.”

His owners then had to try to get him out of the car from the other side of the vehicle, and this stubborn pup promptly laid down.

This golden retriever isn’t going anywhere — certainly not the vet!

Another viewer of the hilarious clip created a caption for what Lord Cartier must’ve been thinking.

“‘I may be a Golden Retriever Susan, but you, YOU, are a GOLDEN DECEIVER,'” they commented.

This dog is just too darn smart! Check out the video of this golden retriever stubbornly refusing to go to the vet below.

The featured image for this post is from YouTube.

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