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Class Sets Up Therapy Puppy “Race” And The Results Are Adorably Hilarious.

golden race

For many dog lovers, the idea of being swarmed by a gaggle of adorable fuzzy puppies sounds like absolute heaven.

In the most adorable video you’re likely to see all week we bring you a little snapshot of that puppy heaven thanks to Stage Gulch Goldens in Sonoma County, California. In fact, the breeder’s Instagram page is a virtual puppy paradise, and their incredibly cute photographs would warm even the coldest hearts.


Breeder Shayla is a speech-language pathologist who grew up on a dairy farm in Sonoma County. After getting her master’s degree she knew she wanted to find a way to use her beloved golden retriever to help others, which is why she began breeding the gorgeous cream-colored English goldens to use as therapy dogs.

“Since beginning my breeding program I have made it my mission to use my dogs for therapy, whether that be at the hospital, in the nursing home, or at church,” Shayla wrote on her website. “My hope is to one day have all of my dogs help others in one way or another. It’s comforting knowing that they impact so many lives in a positive manner.


Stage Gulch Goldens recently shared a video of their newest litter mingling with a group of kids at the Petaluma Valley Baptist Church. First, they released a flood of gorgeous creamy pups into the room where a group of eager young people couldn’t wait to get their hands on them. Then, they set up the pups on one side of the room and began the cutest little puppy race we’ve ever seen.


Move over, horse racing… we’ve got a new favorite racing sport! As soon as the race starts, the sweet little chunkers set off towards the waiting arms of more kids at the finish line, but let’s be real here – these are puppies we’re talking about. These guys are just a tad easily distracted!

One or two of the smarties managed to make it to the finish line right away, but the others… not so much.


There is no such thing as a straight line in this race. One puppy is off in a corner sniffing the ground, another has flopped down halfway through the race, and still more of them have completely disappeared from the camera’s view. These little guys are all over the place! Soon their exasperated handlers are throwing their hands up in the air having completely lost control of their pups.


Who else is ready to get season tickets to the next puppy race? These little guys are just too cute for words, and we love seeing them interacting with children and brightening the days of all they meet. Thanks to this video we’re now 100% certain that heaven exists… and it’s full of puppies.

Watch the world’s cutest video below and be sure to brighten someone’s day by sharing.

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