Flying Blind: Woman Who Lost Most Of Her Sight Pilots Plane To Inspire Us All.

How far would you go to inspire other people? Do personal or imposed limitations hold you back? And what would you do to break free of that cage? A 22-year-old woman named Kaiya Armstrong just answered all of these questions with her inspiring flight across the United States.

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Although Kaiya had rarely traveled and never once boarded an airplane in her life, she readily accepted the offer of flying lessons from Tyler Sinclair at Leopard Aviation and the chance to pilot a groundbreaking journey. Oh, and did we mention that Kaiya is legally blind? What she describes as “tunnel vision” severely limits her ability to see more than a few inches in front of her face. But nothing could stop this powerhouse from taking flight!

Tyler and Kaiya seated in the cockpit of the Cessna, seen from the front.

Blind from the tender age of 14, Kaiya struggled to find her place in the world until being introduced to the Foundation for Blind Children. It was this organization that ultimately helped Kaiya become a pilot and subsequent role-model to blind kids everywhere.

With Kaiya firmly at the helm, Tyler gave verbal guidance while en route from New Mexico to Washinton, D.C., where they arrived in good time to mark the occasion of World Flight Day.

It was official! The young woman who once believed she would never drive a car or fly a plane had just piloted a Cessna, thereby providing hope and encouragement to so many others in her situation. Kaiya’s message is simple. She urges blind kids to push the limits whenever possible. We couldn’t agree more with this sage advice!

Watch Kaiya take flight in the video below and don’t forget to share her inspiring journey.

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