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Father Has Tearful Reunion With Family After Detainment In Turks and Caicos

Father Turks and Caicos

Bryan Hagerich shared an emotional moment with his wife and children after being released from a possible 12-year imprisonment in Turks and Caicos.

Bryan, 39, was met with hugs and tears when he arrived at The Pittsburgh International Airport on May 24. The father of two had been vacationing on the islands when authorities found stray ammunition in his luggage. He told the foreign court that he’d unknowingly left the amo in a compartment after a hunting trip. Bringing ammunition into Turks and Caicos is a crime punishable by up to 12 years.

“As a father, as a provider, and to not be that figure in my family’s life, it’s a very tough pill to swallow,” Bryan told Fox News after he landed on Friday.

“It’s just amazing how, just in the matter of 12 hours, looking at 12 years to now,” he added. “My biggest concern is coaching my kids’ baseball games tomorrow, and that is such a relief.”

5 Americans Detained For Stray Ammunition In Turks And Caicos

Bryan Hagerich is one of five Americans who have been making headlines after being detained for stary ammunition. Currently, Ryan Watson, 40; Tyler Wenrich, 31; Michael Lee Evans, 72; and Sharitta Grier, 45, are still on the islands waiting to learn their fates.

The former professional told reporters that the other detainees “will be home soon.”

A judge issued a suspended 52-week sentence and a $6,700 fine on Friday morning after he pleaded guilty. The Judge allowed him to leave the islands after he paid the fine.

A bipartisan congressional delegation traveled to Turks and Caicos on May 20 and urged the judge to release Bryan and allow him to return to his family. Bryan said he would be “forever grateful” that they advocated for him.

“Never in a thousand years did I expect that kind of support,” he added.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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