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Poodle With 2 Broken Legs Finds Kitten Litter In Shelter & Mothers Them As Her Own.

Nothing, not even two broken legs, can stop a mother’s instinct to love and care for her little ones. Even if they’re not, technically speaking, her little ones. Or even the same species.

Eve, a poodle mix whose age is estimated at three to five years, was living as a stray in Midland, Texas. One night in September, she was struck by a car and taken to the local animal shelter. As they tended to her wounds, the staff noticed something interesting: She was lactating, and she appeared depressed.

cassie's place interview

The staff figured Eve had puppies somewhere but weren’t able to locate them, despite their searching.

But her maternal instincts would not be denied, because there at the shelter, Eve met and “instantly took” to six kittens from two different litters. Their ages ranged from just a few days to three weeks old and they were hungry! Fortunately, Eve was still lactating and “loves the job and duty of being a mom.” Eve was more than happy to feed and nurture her new “pups.”

eve nursing kittens

Meanwhile, a San Angelo rescue and rehabilitation non-profit, Cassie’s Place, got wind of Eve’s situation and agreed to cover her medical costs. Separating her from her kittens would just be too heartbreaking, so they decided to take them in, as well!

eve xray

An X-ray showed both of her front legs were broken, requiring several pins and a cast. But she knew she had to get back to her babies, so she got through the surgeries at the end of September like a champ and soon resumed her motherly duties.


She uses the splinted leg almost like a cane, a Cassie’s Place staff member says, and if you’ve ever tried to keep up with a kitten, never mind six of them, you’ll understand if she’s a little clumsy. Eve “does sometimes get going too fast and face plants. Her front legs can’t keep up with her back legs.â€

eve wearing cast

All these events came together in mid-September, that fateful day Eve was struck by the car, and all the kittens are now either up for adoption or will be soon. Meanwhile, Eve’s expected to make a full recovery.

kittens eating yt

Watch the video below for more of the story, and share to spread the love!

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