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Donkey Basketball: The Fundraiser You Never Knew You Needed

Image shows a donkey basketball game in progress as one player shoots for the basket.

Donkey basketball has been available for a long time, at least in many rural areas. As a fundraiser, it allows your group to raise money while having a great time. You’ll need a gymnasium, eight willing donkey riders, two roaming floor players, and a basketball. Once you set up the time, date, and place, sell tickets to your event and have a great time!

Not every community is near a donkey basketball fundraising opportunity. If your community is lucky, it is worth checking out. Donkey basketball began as affordable entertainment during the Great Depression. The first records date back to the 1930s. Over the years, the game has been revamped as a fundraising venture for many non-profits.

The sport of donkey basketball has even been featured on the Simpsons! If you’re having a game in your area, don’t get in trouble like Bart or you might miss out.

The owner of the donkeys also serves as a referee during the game. The donkeys wear special rubber hoof protectors to walk on the floor without slipping. The “boots” also protect the floor from scuffing. There are some differences in gameplay, with specific rules for donkey basketball.

Learning The Rules For Donkey Basketball Is Easy

Each team has five players. Four people will ride on donkeys while the other two are on their feet in the center of the court. The two “centers” begin the game with an opening tip-off. If the ball rolls into the center, they will scramble to gain possession to pass to a teammate. The “centers” cannot leave the center circle unless necessary to throw the ball back into play after a score.

Image shows players on the court during a donkey basketball game.
Image from YouTube.

Players on donkeys must stay on their sturdy little steeds as much as they can. Let’s face it: people are going to fall off. That’s why they make you wear helmets. Players might have to sign a release form before play. Players may dismount to retrieve a ball that is not reachable otherwise. If you dismount, you must take the donkey to get the ball.

Image shows a player dismounted to retrieve the ball, dragging a stubborn donkey, which they must keep with them while getting the ball.
Image from YouTube.

To pass the ball or score, players must be on their donkey. There is also no stealing unless you are on your donkey (have fun with that). All players must wear approved helmets during all active play.

Image shows a player taking a shot at the basket from atop his sturdy steed during a donkey basketball game.
Image from YouTube.

Whether you are a player or watching from the stands, donkey basketball is a fun time for all. In the stands, you will laugh as the stubborn donkeys make floor play interesting. If you’re on a donkey… well, hopefully you stay there. We hope you have enjoyed this look at an awesome way to raise funds for your favorite charity. Please share this with the decision-makers in your group.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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