42M+ People Have Fallen In Love With This Bulldog Puppy Playing On His Trampoline.

bulldog trampoline

Of all the toys, treats, and accouterments that go along with owning a dog, there’s one thing we never once thought about buying: a trampoline.

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Now, thanks to a viral video shared by Lexee Tabbutt of Utah, there isn’t a dog owner alive who won’t have a sudden impulse to buy their dog a teeny tiny trampoline of their very own.


Lexee recently added Leroy the Old English Bulldog to her pack, and the cute pup has wasted no time in winning the hearts of everyone he encounters. The little guy is not only beyond adorable with his soft white jowls and white-tipped paws, but he also seems to be bursting with energy and personality.


We can add “viral superstar” to his list of lifetime accomplishments so far because Lexee’s brief video has now been viewed more than 40 million times online. In the short clip, we see Leroy and his brand-new trampoline. “We bought him a trampoline last week and he’s been trying to do a flip on it ever since,” Lexee explained.

The little dog launches himself onto the trampoline repeatedly, trying his hardest to tuck and roll like an Olympic gymnast. If only his legs weren’t so short!

leroy flipping

Over and over Leroy attempts to get the forward roll down, only to repeatedly fail in the most adorably clumsy way ever! It’s hard to believe he didn’t get dizzy from all of that jumping up and down. After he messes up he always takes a half a second to just sort of stare at the trampoline, likely wondering, “What am I doing wrong?”


You keep at it, Leroy! We have faith in you!

Watch the video below to see Leroy trying to master a flip on his trampoline, and don’t forget to share to inspire other pet owners to splurge on a new trampoline for their dogs, too.

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