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Cricket Catastrophe: Man Accidentally Releases Thousands Of Insects In His House.

Image shows common house crickets with an aqua background.

This cricket-astrophe began with a simple online purchase that ended with crickets in the house. The original poster, Christopher Ingraham, has a pet lizard. They eat live things such as mealworms and insects. You can buy live food for your pet lizard, which Christopher did. He expected a secondary container inside the package when he received the box. But he was surprised when he unsealed the box and opened it.

When he opened the box, the live crickets were happily bouncing around. He quickly replaced the tape, but the seal had been broken. The contents of Pandora’s Box were ready for freedom!

Images show tweets about crickets in the house.
Image from X (Twitter).

Upon realizing his mistake, Christopher stashed the box in the bathroom. He hoped the kids, dogs, and cats would not find it. While working from home can have many benefits, on this day, Christopher wishes he did not. When he heard a scream from his wife about crickets in the kitchen, he knew he was in trouble. He hadn’t told her that he had received live crickets. Now, 250 of the annoying little crickets were loose in his house!

Image from X (Twitter).

Christopher continues discussing his corrective measures after letting the crickets out of the box. The cats had a cricket party. Christopher scrambled to contain the crickets. Meanwhile, his wife continued screaming about the crickets from the kitchen. We’re sorry, but we don’t have any images of the crickets. Christopher was busy and didn’t think to pull out his phone. Such is life.

Even though the initial cricket-astrophe occurred in 2018, Those crickets are probably still in the house. Or, their great-great-great grand-crickets, perhaps. You can read more of the hilarious thread below. Share this with your friends, especially if they raise lizards and might be purchasing live crickets.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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