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Cop Heartbroken By Dallas Tragedy, Writes Viral Letter About The True Heart Of Policemen In America.

cop crying

The day after tragic events unfolded for Dallas police officers, an unnamed policeman posted the following note to his Facebook page that has since gone viral. The young police officer wanted to show the world the true heart of the vast majority of police officers in America… and his words are altogether inspiring. Read his eye opening words in the note below.

I am a cop. Today I woke up to three text messages telling me about 5 dead police officers in Dallas. I got my uniform on, made my coffee, and went out the door. Like every other day. I drove to the station and answered “here” when my name was called in roll call. I loaded my car with gear and I drove my patrol beat to do my job.

From the second I woke up I mourned the death of my brothers in Dallas, but I do my job like every other day. Though the event in Dallas is in my mind, I am not scared, but I am diligent. I am not alone either. I have nearly two million brothers and sisters that will come running when they hear my voice on the radio needing help, and I the same for them.

Continuing through the horrendous attack on Dallas police is not borne of bravado, nor of pride, nor of anger. Continuing to go to work is because of a deep seated honor all police feel. We do this job because of love, because of understanding, because of wanting to deliver a service to the world as a whole. This job is not done out of spite, out of feeling small, out of racism, nor is it done to prove a point.

We will all continue to wake up each day, put on our uniform, and go out the door. We will do our job. We will protect the people that speak ill of us. We will answer the call, and we will fight for each inch of righteousness in this world.

– Anonymous

It’s our responsibility to hold on to these truths in the midst of uncertainty… cops are people with families, dreams, and hopes just like you and I. Now, more than ever, it’s essential that we back the blue.

Share and spread some perspective.

(Since author is anonymous, featured image is a representation of his emotions)

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