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Skateboarding Coach Refuses To Give Up On Disabled Boy In Heartwarming Video.

It’s hard enough to master the art of skateboarding — now imagine learning how to ride the board without the full use of your body.

In a video that’s going viral on Reddit, a young boy with cerebral palsy smashes the odds by learning how to skateboard with minimal assistance. He certainly isn’t letting a wheelchair keep him from learning a new sport.


The video is short, but in less than 1 minute you realize how impressive this kid is. You can see that he has very little control over his limbs and can barely lift his head at times, yet he manages to use his feet to flip the board like a true pro.

His instructor demonstrates the move on his own skateboard, then stands back to let the boy give it a shot. Every time he manages to get his feet in just the right position to flip the board, you can hear others in the room cheering him on! But the real challenge is still to come. His instructor rolls his walking device up a steep ramp. We all hold our breath as we watch to see how our hero will do rolling down the ramp…


And he nails it! Not only does he cruise safely down the ramp, but he uses that fancy footwork to stop the board perfectly.

This video is a wonderful reminder that the ability to accomplish our goals lies entirely between our ears. If we set our mind to something, there’s no telling what we can do!

Watch the video below and be sure to share to inspire others to beat the odds!

Kid with paralysis learns how to skateboard from r/aww

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