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Caught On Camera: Rare White Grizzly Spotted By Startled Driver!

A white grizzly bear standing outside someone's car window.

When this driver briefly paused by the side of the road, she had no idea she’d be coming face to face with a rare white grizzly bear. Her footage of the incident shows the incredible creature mere feet away from her car window! Although the woman was clearly astonished by the rare creature, the grizzly bear showed little interest in her. This gorgeous bear seemed to be engrossed in foraging and only looked up at the car for a brief moment.

A TikTok video of the spectacular encounter has been going viral online, reaching over 22 million views! Whiskey Riff provided some background on the clip, locating the rare white grizzly bear somewhere around Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. Apparently, the animal has been spotted before. She’s affectionately known as Nakoda. Some might mistake her for an albino grizzly bear, but she’s actually just a regular grizzly. Although it’s not common, these bears sometimes come in white!

A white grizzly bear standing outside someone's car window.
Screengrab from TikTok

Watch the video below to see Nakoda the rare white grizzly bear in all her glory! Please be aware that there is some NSFW language in this clip.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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