Sick Boy’s Sign At Basketball Game Brings Entire Arena To Their Feet In Applause.

A cancer diagnosis, without question, is a horrible thing. However, what’s incredible to see are the people who step up to support those fighting the terrible disease when they need them most.

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Sure, that support almost always comes from family and friends. But sometimes it comes from the unlikeliest of places: an ex-huband’s new wife, or in Cameron Jaros’ case, the fans of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Cameron is a 12-year-old from Austintown, Ohio who was diagnosed with Leukemia May 23.


The sixth grader’s chemo treatments started immediately, with his friends, family and community rallying behind him.

“He is a big teddy bear of smiles and hugs! We know he is hoping to be able to come home soon to enjoy the summer months off, but he’s in for a long road of chemo, treatments and visits to Cleveland, ” said one friend who setup a GoFundMe for Cam.


Fortunately, Cam’s treatments have gone extremely well. So well, in fact, that with one treatment to go, Cam and his family drove an hour to Cleveland to watch the Cavaliers game to celebrate.

Cam brought a special sign he had made, hoping he would get his chance to share it with the crowd.

Once the jumbo-tron’s camera found Cam, he unfolded his message – “My last chemo is Thursday. I”m here to celebrate. #CamStrong”


The crowd went nuts, giving Cam a standing ovation, some of the clapping coming from other kids Cam’s age.

Even the Cavaliers players, including ‘The King’ himself, LeBron James, stopped warmups in order to show Cam their support.


“Cameron Jaros this is for you buddy. We are so proud of you. The strength you have shown is, and always will be, a huge inspiration to me. You are my HERO. I love you Cam Bam,” said one of Cam’s immediate family members on Facebook.

“I was at that game… it was a very special moment. Beautiful!!!” said another Cavaliers fan.

Of course the best part is that Cam finished his last chemo treatment on Thursday, and shared a picture giving a big ‘thumbs-up.’


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