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Boy Screams For Bus Driver To Help Choking Brother & She Leaps Into Action.

As a bus driver, Carolyn Goering has undergone first aid training in the past. But she never really expected she’d have to use it on the job.

The grandmother currently drives for Parkway School District in Chesterfield, Missouri. The district doesn’t actually require its drivers to go through similar training. You can imagine how grateful Carolyn was for her knowledge, then, when a little boy began choking on her bus.

carolyn goering

On a recent ride home from school, eight-year-old Allen Lovegreen, a second grader at Wren Hollow Elementary, started struggling to breathe. His older brother, Mitchell, realized he was choking and immediately screamed for help.

allen choking

Despite having a bus full of terrified children, Carolyn stayed calm and ran to Allen. She began abdominal thrusts and didn’t stop until the object stuck in Allen’s throat finally popped out. Thanks to her quick reaction, Allen was completely fine afterwards. Mitchell called her “the hero of the day.”

carolyn saves allen

Mitchell and Allen’s mom, Sarah, agreed. “She really went above and beyond,” she said. “We are just really thankful that she knew exactly what to do and keep her cool and get our kids home safe.”

sarah allen and mitchell

Being the humble lady she is, Carolyn simply replied, “I was just thinking these are kids that I’m entrusted with every day. It’s my job to get them to and from home safely.” She added that she has children and grandchildren, “and these are my kids” too.

She may just have been doing her job, but that makes her no less of a hero. Her actions have even inspired the school district to make sure every driver is trained in first aid – as they should! Learn more about how this bus driver saved a little boy’s life below.

Share to spread thanks to Carolyn for doing everything she could to keep “her kids” safe.

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